In June 2019, the Chartres shop team decided to take part in a challenge offered by the city to its companies. The project: to run five kilometres, in a joyful and good-humoured way, to fight against breast cancer. “I submitted the idea to the Foundation, which gave us a grant to register and make our outfits, which consisted of a T-shirt and a pink tutu,” says Lydia from the Chartres shop.
The shop team had no intention of stopping there. It met with the League’s departmental representatives to submit several projects (wellness coaching, fashion show, workshop) in anticipation of Pink October. “We also organised a bra collection during the whole month of October and nineteen employees took part in a five-kilometre run in the rain.
“Through these actions, we raised more than 2,500 euros, including 1,800 euros in cash donations. But our greatest pride was to offer happiness to cancer patients. At the end of the workshop, some of them told us that we had managed to make them forget the disease!